Saturday, February 23, 2013


Anne and I met Philip Garrison downtown for lunch on Tuesday. Philip and Tony Joiner work together at Bank of America, although on this day, Tony was on a road trip for the company. Philip took us to an authentic Irish Pub which had been relocated from Ireland to Charlotte—of all places: 

(Click photos to enlarge.)

Philip Garrison

                                                               *  *  *

 We had a pretty great meeting at Alan Hess's home on Monday night (I think), with 10 in attendance. I hadn't planned to speak on the topic of human sexuality, but someone asked a question, and I was off to the races. No one stopped me for two hours; a good time was had by all:

Anne at Starbucks, before the dinner and meeting.

 I forgot to show you this photo of "downtown" Faith:

                                                             *  *  *

The night before I left (Wednesday night), was the Shakespeare Lecture, staged by the English Speaking Union. The event was hosted by the Sandhills branch of the Country Club of North Carolina, in Pinehurst. Talk about an exclusive “do.” I was the youngest person among the 100 attendees.

Anne and I “double-dated” with an older couple, namely Bob and Pamela. (I’m sorry I can’t remember their last names.) Bob retired in Pinehurst after (apparently) an extremely successful career at CBS. I thanked him for all the great television he had put on for me as a kid through the sixties and seventies. He said, “You are very welcome.”

Bob and Pamela live along the first fairway of Pinehust #2,
which is the U.S. Open course. That's it behind me.

Bob and Pamela. A really lovely couple.
Original art at the end of a hallway.
They drive a Porsche SUV, for crying out loud. I didn't know
there was such a thing.
I'm the youngest guy at the table.

Or at any table.
Lon Bumgarner tells us about William Shakespeare.

Self portrait in the lavatory.
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Here was my studio in Pinehurst, at Anne’s house:

It was sad leaving Anne on Thursday morning. We’d had many great adventures together. But all good things must come to an end, so we said our farewells, promising to do it a again sometime.

                                                        *  *  *

You can tell from the photos I’ve put up lately that I’ve been staying at some nice houses and being treated to fine times. I’m afraid some of you might be intimidated, thinking: “Well, we can’t have Zender over. He’s used to the Taj Mahal.” Don’t think that. I am neither snooty, nor picky. I am not a prima donna. Remember: I’m the guy who has bicycled across the country twice, living in a tent. I’m a minimalist. I am just as fine sleeping on a floor in a sleeping bag (I did it for two years in Ohio before moving to Colorado Springs), as I am in that big, cushy bed Anne provided.

At home in a barn, 2007.
I’m spending hardly any money on these trips. This is the grace of God, folks. I say this to the credit of those who have invited me to lodge with them while I teach the Word; these people have provided most my needs while I’m with them. Thanks to Anne, I had a comfortable place to stay while teaching in Charlotte and Faith. Thanks to Joe Newman, I had comfortable lodging while teaching in Las Vegas. Thanks to Anita and Kevin Butler, I was able to stay at their house while teaching in Sacramento. Thanks to Waylan Dabbs, I had my own guest room in Ft. Lauderdale while teaching there. (Next week, Sheridan will have the guest room, and I’ll be camping on the floor in the office where my makeshift studio was; it’s all good with me. I'm a flexible dude.)

I’d be happy to visit you, no matter what your accommodations. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. It’s all about God, fellowship, and teaching.

When we have that, we have everything.

© 2013 by Martin Zender