“Become, then, imitators of God.” Galatians 5:1. Okay, God. You asked for it.
I went to a Bible study the weekend following Gold in the Cave Wall. My new paperback, The Really Bad Thing About Free Will had just returned from the printers, so I took a handful of copies of that, along with my other paperbacks, along with How to Quit Church Without Quitting God, along with my CD, Part-Time Sinner.
The hostess had not so much designed this gathering as a Bible study, but as a time when I would talk and other people would listen. I always pray before these things, acutely aware of my weakness. I know it is my weakness that God uses, not my strength. My prayer, then, is that I would always remember that.
The first time I ever addressed a public gathering, I was so scared that I knelt at the sink in the bathroom of the hall and prayed for a miracle, which ensued. Ever since then, the continuous miracle is that, when God prods me to open my mouth publicly, He grants people knowledge and understanding. I’m no longer scared because I know from experience that God speaks in spite of me not because of me, but I still put myself, mentally, at the foot of the sink.
The same thing went on at this “Bible study.”
I talked, answered questions, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The hostess served pizza, the miracles occurred in the typical nonobservable fashion (I would hear the details later), and Melody and I prepared to leave—but not before I metamorphosed into a sort of celestial Santa Claus.
I felt the urge to give away as many books as possible. So before I left, I reached into my “Santa’s bag” and pulled out copies of The Really Bad Thing About Free Will. I talked a little bit about the book, and then handed out copies. Then I did the same thing with all my other books. Everyone was laughing, because all these books kept coming out of my bag like the loaves and the fishes. As the books flew out of the bag, I said crazy things like, “Bless you, my child,” and “Your troubles are over,” and “I hope you want these, because here. Here. Here. And here.” I worked so hard I could have used a couple elves.

The next day, I received a check in the mail from a supporter that made me whoop right there in the kitchen. Later that afternoon, a friend I had not heard from for 4 ½ years called out of the blue to tell me that he was “back on board” and ready to assist the ministry again. The evidence of this arrived six days later, satisfying the people at the phone company, the electric company, and half the people at the mortgage joint.
God rescued me, once again, via the Body of Christ.
This cycle will repeat itself for the eon, I suppose. I would like to foresee a time when I’m comfortable, when I’m “rolling in it,” delivered from the stresses of financial free-fall and recovery. But somehow I think that God will continue to stun me with timely miracles, and provide givers—givers including myself—with even more opportunities for greater blessing. Perhaps; perhaps not. In any case, I’m still on my knees at the altar of the sink, praying for miracles. God? He’s rubbing His hands together and smiling, scanning Earth for the helpless among humanity.
© 2006 by Martin Zender
Great testimony! Some people like to say "God helps those whom help themselves". How untrue this is. How does God get the credit for something we have done? This is why He chooses the weak to confound the strong.
Good to see you blogging. Keep up the good posts. :) My copy of your new book just arrived at my mailing address (which doubles as my parent's place) a few days ago and I should be able to pick it up in a couple days so I'll give you a call after I've read it and let you know what I think. :D
Hey Martin,
I just found this great blog I think you'll enjoy checking out: http://coffeehousecleric.blogspot.com/
He's along the same lines you are!! I sent him a message telling him about you:)
Hope all is well!!!!
I enjoyed your story this morning. It is an amazing thing to know God will always provide. I forget to appreciate that sometimes; or I'll get to wanting more than we need and get into all sorts of mental traps and hang ups.
Thanks for your stories. I'm enjoying almost all of them.
With love,
Mrs. Claus
I am glad to hear that there is some glimmer of hope on the financial side.
I friend turned me on (that doesn't sound right) to some of your writings, and I have listend to some of your radio interviews, and ebough the hell book. I really appreaciate your skepticism of the so-called "orthodox" church's viewpoint. I don't totally agree with your viewpoint on all things scriptual, I am definateley closer to yours than the typical churchianity.
Keep up the good work!
Wow, if I could only trust in the Lord that way I would be ok. I worry myself sick about money. I am trying to give it all to Him and listen to His words.
Thank you for your inspiration.
Well I just lost my job again, this is the second one in a month, good thing they are plentyful here in Alberta. So I truly am not oblivious to your plight Martin. I trust in God alone in the experience of this financial roller coaster. My family is being taught to ride this roller coaster because God is the operator of this up and down ride and it is in Him alone that we can ride with ease and not fear the next big turn.
Your Canadian Brother
Rob W
I love you Martin Zender, and I can't wait to see you next weekend in Ludington.
However, I would like to correct you in that it was not due to your weakness that God was able to use you and bless you. He was able to bless you because you did the right thing: you prayed and gave in faith, then you recieved. SO, you can see by the fact that God blessed you AFTER you gave, so it is BECAUSE you gave. Therefore, you do x and then you shall recieve y. It is a formula as outlined in the Bible (Mt. 7:11). Jesus blesses the righteous. And what is righteousness but doing what is right?
I hope you can receive my just correction blessed brother.
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